
Trusted Technology Advisor
Many small to mid size companies have technology needs but do not have the expertise to design, coordinate and deploy the necessary technology. Entegration provides a critical role as trusted technology advisor. In this role, Entegration will provide design work, but more importantly, act as an overall coordinator to ensure that the project is implemented correctly. By acting as a trusted technology advisor, Entegration will oversee all aspects of the project including vendor negotiation, screening and selecting technology partners, project management and problem resolution.

Technology Planning
Entegration will prepare a detailed technology plan which aligns our client’s business objectives with their technology needs. The technology plan is a blueprint for implementing infrastructure, applications, support and training. In order to create a technology plan, Entegration needs to work closely with the client to understand the business goals, short-term and long-term objectives and projects and a thorough understanding of the existing technology platform.

Tactical Technology Plans
It is understood that clients are always looking to implement tactical solutions immediately to address specific business needs. A tactical technology plan will be created which addresses a specific technology implementation. A tactical technology plan may be included in infrastructure planning and implementation project.

Strategic Technology Plans
Once Entegration has successfully implemented a tactical technology plan; the client may engage Entegration to create a comprehensive strategic technology plan. Our approach is to work closely with our clients to understand their business strategy, objectives and direction. By taking full advantage of technology, we help companies gain a lasting competitive advantage, while adding significant value and maximizing their return on investment.