Advanced Services

If you have already implemented an EHR or EMR we congratulate you and understand the hard work that it took to accomplish this. Unfortunately, the implementation of an EHR is just the beginning. With all systems and processes, there is a need for constant improvement and refinement to ensure that your practice is maximizing the return on investment of the system.

Now that many of your employees have computers and internet access, the ability for abuse arises. We have built services that can give you the ability to limit or restrict internet access for your employees. We can also monitor and report on internet usage.

The switch from paper charts to electronic records will have a big impact on your practice. The need for disaster recovery and contingency planning is essential. It is important to ensure that patient records can be accessible, even if your primary EHR system is down due to various reasons such as fire, flood, or electrical failure. We offer various disaster recovery services to ensure that our clients can recover and can continue operations even in the event of a disaster.

Security concerns are very important in the planning phase of an EHR. Once the EHR is implemented, it is vital to ensure that the data and the system itself are protected. We provide on-going security audits to our clients to ensure that their systems comply with security best practices. We also provide complete and thorough anti-virus/anti-malware detection and prevention services.

Voice recognition systems have advanced to the point that many of our clients have started to implement these systems. Voice recognition systems can streamline entering patient progress reports, and transcriptions can be used in place of other input devices. Several voice recognition systems come with medical dictionaries which facilitates entry into EHR systems.

New technologies continue to be developed that can streamline the efficiencies of a medical practice. We constantly monitor and evaluate new technologies and help our clients understand the benefits and cost. We utilize our knowledge and large client base to help all of our clients implement the proper technology and best practices.

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